FOOD HANDLER CERTIFICATE COURSE – 18 January 2018 – one day course from 1000 hrs. to 1500 hrs.
Food handlers have a lot of responsibility to the public. They need to be trained to ensure that the food they cook or handle is safe for public consumption. This course gives them the necessary knowledge and training so that they are aware of the legislation and regulation, food handler hygiene, sanitation and maintenance of food premises, allergy information, pest control and other related issues. This is a one day course and will be conducted at the premises of Peel College of Professional Studies.
Peel College of Professional Studies conducted a training course leading to a Food Handler Certificate. Several persons from a variety of backgrounds attended the course and were awarded certificates after fulfilling the necessary requirements. The full day session was interactive and the participants took active part through the day. Peel College of Professional Studies is doing its bit in training people who come in contact with food on how to discharge their duties safely, thereby leading to a healthier Ontario.
The training was conducted by Laura Lee Therrien of Canadian Food Safety Training Inc. These certificates are issued in partnership with Toronto Public Health and are recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and other Health Units in Ontario.
To get more information about our training programs to upgrade your skills in a variety of fields, please contact Ms. Anu Yadav, Director Academics.

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